Makeitalia stages the Company Convention with its 150 employees
The annual Makeitalia event took place on Thursday 14 December 2023 at our company. People are the protagonists, with recognition for the objectives achieved, looks at future challenges, team building activities and the final dinner.

“We make”. With these two words we could summarize the leitmotif of the 2023 Makeitalia Convention. The first organized at the company factory located in Modena.
An annual and significant event for all of us, during which we share the main events that have characterized this year, now in its final stages.
Among the topics: the evolution of the company’s turnover, new customers together with the consolidation of historical ones, internationalisation, the Digital Supply Chain projects implemented, the activities carried out regarding workers’ health and safety, the Research and Development projects, the awards obtained during the year, the financial stength and the attention to ESG – Environmental Social Governance issues. On this last point in particular, the management focused on the main challenges successfully faced during 2023, such as the presence of a company photovoltaic system which led to savings of 8,480 kilograms of CO2, the installation of eco-sustainable equipment in the production and logistics area, social commitment and support for local businesses, gender equality and the management and control systems implemented.
Facts & Figures 2023 which underlined Makeitalia’s “We make” concept. A company that does and achieves concrete results, such as the achievement of the 2023 turnover objectives. The company management has decided to reward the employees, through the provision of a “welfare premiante“, in recognition of the extraordinary results achieved together.
The company convention also saw a moment of internal Team Building: the participants, divided into groups, had the task of representing, through a photograph, what “being Makeitalia” meant to them. The winning photo wanted to underline some key concepts of Makeitalia: continuous customer support, collaboration, being a team.
Now let’s take a short Christmas break, ready to face the new challenges of 2024 now upon us.