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Makeitalia at the University of Bergamo

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Makeitalia’s Supply Chain Challenge – Italian League 21-22 has come to an end!
On Monday 30 May 2022, the initiative promoted by Makeitalia made its last stop at the University of Bergamo, which thus closed the preliminary qualification phase, a phase that was held from November 2021 to May 2022.

For the second time in this first edition, the University of Bergamo took part in the First National Supply Chain Championship.
After the match last December 2021 with the students of the Integrated Logistics Systems course, the qualification phase returned to the University of Bergamo for its last stage, this time involving the students of the course, in English, Supply Chain Management and Logistics Network Design (Master’s Degree in Management Engineering).

Roberto Pinto, Professor of both courses, made a comment on the experience offered to students thanks to the participation in the Makeitalia Supply Chain Game: “I believe it is important to give students the opportunity to deal with realistic problems that go beyond the theoretical aspects, using innovative tools – such as serious games and simulation – which allow for immediate feedback on the choices made. In this way, students can test their ability to apply their knowledge in a safe and knowledge-consolidating context”.

The Supply Chain Game has been a very good chance to approach myself to the Supply Chain world. I think this tool is useful, as you can learn more about the Supply Chain through simulations and also understand how this field really works”, added Marco Pievani, one of the students involved in the qualifying phase on May 30th.

The match played at the University of Bergamo decreed the last team of students who qualified to access the final phase, which is called Finals 21-22 and which will be held in September 2022. During the final event, the teams of all the Italian Universities that won during the qualifying period will face each other in the last challenge, the decisive one, which will elect the overall winner of the first edition of the Makeitalia Supply Chain Challenge.

Special thanks go to the students who participated in the event on May 30th and to Professor Roberto Pinto.

Supply Chain Challenge.. stay tuned not to miss the next news on the initiative!


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